Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Reason to invest in Punta del Este number 37: Uruguay is getting bigger!

The story in Mercopress is thankfully in English, so go ahead and read it there... Now, because we are presumably not paying for this extra territory, rather than being diluted, your purchase entitles you to more oil! More natural gas! Imagine, Uruguay turning into Norway.

Just don't turn the tables on me and tell me to imagine Uruguay turning into Venezuela, I am not entertaining such scenario.


  1. Could this have anything to do with the oil platform we've had off shore for the past few weeks....?

  2. Or.... could be related to a much anticipated dulce de leche extraction operation that is being negotiated -- very hush-hush, mind you -- between the outgoing government and several top multinationals interested in tapping into Uruguay's offshore dairy potential.
